
How you can serve.

We have many ministry opportunities at Laclede Community Church. Below is a list of ways you can get involved.

Main Service

Our service begins with the worship team leading in a combination of hymns and contemporary songs followed by expository preaching of the Word. At the end of each service, we have a time of prayer requests/ Praise the Lord, and then we invite you to join us for coffee and cookies in the fellowship hall!

We are a family-oriented church, adults and children worship alongside each other every Sunday.

Sunday School

Sunday School begins at 10:00 a.m. for all ages.


The Retired Old Men Eating Out meet at the Klondike for breakfast and fellowship every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m.

Gospel Jam

The Gospel Jam meets every 4th Saturday of the month, with the exception of December and January, from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., in the main building with a potluck meal during intermission. There is congregational singing with the band, and times of special music and testimony. Come join us as we glorify our God and Savior Jesus Christ in song!